Forestry Service Code of Ethics

Sustainable forestry is an environmentally friendly concept for forest management. The use of sustainable forestry is intended to increase the yield per acreage in a sustainable forest in comparison to unsustainable forest, and thus increase amount of goods and services produced. At the same time, a sustainable forest can contribute to the overall wellbeing of the environment by avoiding further degradation of the soil, watershed contamination, and the diverse issues caused by unsustainable forestry.
The USDA Forest Service has 78 Experimental Forests and Ranges which have provided critical insight on topics such as the science of forest hydrology and forest and rangeland management systems.   The FAO Committee on Forestry has determined that the "global forest products industry can play a significant role in combating climate change by optimizing the use of raw material, increasing efficiency, producing bio-energy and expanding into bio-refinery products while developing the competitiveness of the sector."  Through the use of sustainable forestry, we can have enormous environmental impact from slowing global warming to decreasing the risk of landslides.

Afsee sponsors

At AFSEE, our mission to promote sustainable forestry is supported by a dedicated network of partners. These organizations and businesses bring invaluable resources, and passion to our cause.

- Fao
- AiForEveryone
- The Nature Conservancy
- JackProxies
- Change